Having a credit card is very convenient. You don't have to carry a lot of cash around and won't feel bad should it be stolen. This is because one phone call can have the credit card canceled while there is no way to replace money that was lost.
But if the shopper spends too much, this could be a problem. The individual will be paying these off with interests, which is much more than the amount that was actually purchased. Here are some tips that can help get anyone out of credit card debt.
1. You should write down all the expenses over the last 3 months. If these are too much, it's time to sit down and work on a monthly budget.
This should be stripped down only to the necessities such as rent, food, gas, utilities and insurance payments. This will give you the extra cash needed to pay off the credit card debt.
2. Sometimes it is hard to monitor all the expenses if there are a lot of credit cards in the wallet. Financial experts advise those in debt to only keep two and cancel the rest. One will be used regularly while the other is kept for emergencies.
This makes it easy to monitor especially when most banks send the monthly statement at the end of the month.
3. Most banks will either call or send a letter if payments are late. You should talk to these people about the steps being taken to remedy the situation to avoid getting a bad credit rating.
Those who don’t will have a hard time later on in getting another credit card or a loan since nobody will trust the applicant anymore.
4. Setting aside a portion of the salary each month may not be enough to pay the credit card debt. Should this happen, the owner will have to get rid of some of these expensive items. An example will be giving up on the car since a certain amount is spent just to make the monthly payment.
5. Some people decide to get a home equity loan to pay off the credit card and other debts. Going through the phone directory or asking around can help the individual find a firm that can combine everything into one payment at a low interest rate.
Getting out of credit card debt will be a challenge. You should stick to the plan and be committed to doing it. Otherwise, all the planning and cutbacks done will amount to nothing.
Sunday, February 3, 2008
How to Get Out of Your Credit Card Debt
Labels: Debt Relief
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