
Monday, February 18, 2008

How to Manage Your Expenses to Get Out of Debt

It’s very easy to know what to do to get out of debt; it’s the doing, however, that’s the difficult part.

The Problem is How You Feel about Saving Money
Most people find it hard to save money. Don’t make the mistake however of thinking that it’s impossible to do so. Once you start feeling that your situation’s hopeless, you’ll never be able to pay off your debts. The trick is to think positive; it’s simple but it works.

Be Realistic about Creating a Budget
Don’t eliminate expenditures like there’s no tomorrow. Forcing yourself to live a Spartan existence will only stress you out more and make you less able to pay off your expenses. You need to have your budget work on the first try because it will give you exactly the motivation you need for the succeeding months.

Be Practical about the Budget
It’s okay to leave a little space for personal expenses in your budget if you can afford it. Don’t however overindulge yourself as that will just get you back to square one and with even more creditors pounding on your door.

Focus on the Credit Card with the Highest Interest Rate First
The card with the highest rate is always accompanied by the most demanding creditor. So, for your own sake, it’s better to get rid of the creditor with the most at stake. Then, proceed on eliminating credit card debt until you end up with only the credit cards that have low interest rates and well-mannered creditors.

Cash, Please
Leave your credit cards behind. If you feel that you’re absolutely unsafe without plastic money, take just one credit card with you and no more than that. Credit card purchases are always more expensive than cash purchases. Even if you don’t see or feel it, you’ll save lots of money on interest alone just by paying cash.

Lowering Credit Limits
If possible, ask for your credit card and phone company to lower your credit limit. This will ensure that you won’t go over the budget no matter what you do.

Know the Right Places to Shop
When you’re on your penny-saving days, it’s time to say a temporary farewell to your favorite designer boutiques and your other expensive fancy pursuits. It’s time to cut back on the good life and make use of all the discount coupons you can cut out off magazines.

If you still don’t think you can save money and lessen your expenditures, you still have one more option left to get rid of debt: find ways to earn more money!

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